Blog Archive - HTML5 Features (8)

Preferences Form Using HTML5 Local Storage, Drag And Drop And New Input Types

This demo incorporates the new Web Storage API, the Drag And Drop API, and finally, some new input types available to us. Using the form, the web page visitor can set font size, web page background color, font style and colour, and so forth. These settings make use of the new colour picker control, the range input, and drag and drop of web page elements. These settings are then stored ready for their next visit in Local Storage, happening client-side.

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Sticky Notes Demo

This short post takes a look at the Webkit Sticky Notes demo that was created when Webkit first landed it's HTML 5 SQL storage support. In this demo you can create new sticky notes that persist themselves into the local SQL storage and can be accessed while offline. When a sticky note is closed it 'swooshes' offscreen with a nice animated effect.

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Let HTML5 Web Workers Take The Strain

A web worker, as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), is a JavaScript script executed from an HTML page that runs in the background, independently of other, user-interface scripts that may also have been executed from the same HTML page. Web workers are able to utilize multi-core CPUs more effectively

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The New HTML5 File Reader API

HTML5 provides a standard way to interact with local files, via the File API specification. As example of its capabilities, the File API could be used to create a thumbnail preview of images as they are being sent to the server, or allow an application to save a file reference while the user is offline.

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A Simple Canvas Example

An example of using the <canvas> tag can be found in the demo link below, by clicking on the Carp Puzzle button. The code can be found in scripts/canvas.js. The <canvas> tag is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript).

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